Bryant Air Conditioning Systems
As we celebrate the 120th anniversary of modern-day air conditioning, here is a brief history on the “Father of Air Conditioning”- Willis Carrier.
Willis Carrier was born on November 26, 1876 in Angola, New York to Duane Williams Carrier and Elizabeth R. Haviland. Willis Carrier graduated from Cornell University with a BS in Engineering in 1901.
Willis Carrier’s contributions to air conditioning helped countless industries grow and power the economy. For instance, air conditioning allowed for the manufacturing of baked goods and enabled summer blockbusters to become a hit. Furthermore, air conditioning aided in transatlantic flights and the existence of computers. As summers continue to grow hotter and longer each year, air conditioning has almost become an essential component of life in many parts of the world.
Life as we know it would be very different had air conditioning not been invented back in 1902, and we have Willis Carrier to thank for that.